Friday, August 8, 2008

First Day of School

Well, summer ended on August 6th for Maddie. She was so excited to go to Kindergarten...not nervous at all. Heidi was lucky enough to take her to class (I had to work...booo). She reports that some kids were hyper, some crying, some timid. Maddie ran up to her teacher and gave her a hug. Notice in the picture below that she is just about as tall as the teacher. HA!

Here are some posed pictures of Olivia and Maddie on their first day back to school.

And some friends from the neighborhood wait for the bus every day with them as well (Conner and Jordan take a later bus).

We have no GOOD pictures of Conner and Jordan. Besides, we like the girls better. We'll try to get some pictures of those ugly boys as soon as possible. We love all of you!